We are an independent foundation working on development cooperation since 1983. From our headquarters in Madrid (Spain), we work through our delegations and permanent experts in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
We carry out on-site projects aimed at:

In addition to carrying out projects in the field, as a research center specialized in international development cooperation, we carry out extensive research; we publish studies and publications; we give courses, workshops and seminars, and we provide technical assistance.
The practical and analytical dimensions are connected to bring a higher quality to our work.
Mission, Vision and Values
Contributing to the human development in Southern Countries through two lines of action:
In addition to the execution of projects in the field, our DNA includes contributing to implementing new ways of carrying out cooperation, promoting professional excellence and quality in the sector and encouraging the active participation of universities, companies, and civil society.
All of this is intended to help people broaden their options for development in order to allow them to direct their own lives and decide on their future.